girl's in the boys dormitory ,story by papajay

Episode 2
We drove towards my brother’s school.
Infact it wasn’t all that long. We reached
the entrance within 45 minute drive, there
was a huge billboard outside the
entrance and the school’s name and
some other information was displayed
nicely on it.
The security man came out to have a
little chat with my brother, though i did
not hear what they were talking about
but i guess he was trying to know who
was coming and the reason behind.
Within 2 minutes gist with my brother, he
went back and opened the gate wide for
us which we entered.
The school was a very nice school, very
nice environment, huge and magnificent
buildings all over. He asked of the
administration block from a passer by
which i could tell he was a student in the
school because of his dressing code. He
was wearing this check check top and
khaki down. He thanked him after a little
talk and sped off to the administration
They alighted from the car, i refused to
get out from the car because there was a
lot of people infront of the administration
block and i did not like the way they were
all looking at us.
They greeted the people outside there
and went inside. I was in the car alone
and was taking proper look at the school,
the school was very nice but onething i
did not like about the school is that it
was a single-s-x school.
After 40 minute time i saw them coming
out from the administration block with a
certain man which i later realised he was
the senior house master. We drove back
to the dorm side and he later joined us
there with another man. He called Jack.
S. H. Master: Jack.
Jack: yes sir.
S. H. Master: this is your house master.
His name is Mr. Nti, he will check your
items and later take you inside and show
you your bed ok.
Jack: yes Sir, thank you sir.
S. H. Master: you are welcome.
He went back to the school and left us
with Mr. Nti.
He then asked my brother to open his
trunk and chopbox, he checked all the
things inside and later said is ok.
He then asked our Senior brother to pay
some dues which he did, they exchaged
contacts. He later said we can go. Just
as we were returning to the car he called
Jack and told him that it is classes
hourst so after school, he should see him
so that he shows him his room and bed
and he responded.
We said bye to Jack and entered the car.
From the look on Jacks face, you need no
soothsayer to tell you that he was
confused and worried.
We drove out from the school compound
and got into the main street heading
towards my school.
We had a lot of chat, my brother talked
about life in the boarding house and later
talked about life in the University and the
difference was clearly wide and that even
gingered me and i vowed to also go to
univesity too and said that’s why i need
not to waste my time on the little
freedom in the school, i should be
serious with my books and avoid bad
friends for there is more freedom and
enjoyment in the university.
We drove passed towns to towns which i
took a little view of them.
After 5 hours, we reached a certain
junction which we saw a huge billboard
with my school’s name written boldly on
(FASTECH) in short and some other
information displayed below it. There was
an arrow on the billboad directing us to
pass the right way which he did and
about 5 minute drive, we reached the
The security man asked some questions
about us and later opened the gate for us
to enter. He told us to go straight and we
will get to the administration block.
Just us we were about to reach the
administration block, i had a call, i
brought out my phone from my pocket,
looked at the screen it was a friend of
mine called Fred and just as i was about
to pick the call my brother shouted at
Bro. Joe: hey!! Jake. come on, give me
the phone.
***I handed it over to him.***
Bro. Joe: didn’t dady told you that
phones are unprescribed and for that is
not allowed to be used in High schools?
***i was just silent***.
Finally we reached the administration
block and there was a lot of people
infront of the administration block, even
more than that of Jack’s and the worst
part of it is that this time it was not only
boys and parents but a lot of girls too.
Pretty girls ofcourse.
I had no option than to get down and
follow my brother. They were all staring
at us which i hated so much.
Just as we were about to reach the
entrance of the administration block,
some girls came out from the block and i
could say they are seniors in the school
because they were wearing the school
uniform and was looking so confident.
They walked passed us and one of the
girls said “aba fresh” chai are this girls
refering to me?, my brother turned to me,
smiled and asked.
Bro Joe: did you hear that?
Me: what?
Bro. Joe: what the girls said.
Me: yeah.
We entered inside and we were directed
to a certain office.
My brother knocked on the door and we
heard a female voice that asked us to
come in. We went inside and my brother
shouted on seeing the lady in the office.
Bro. Joe: Eii Ama!!
Lady: Hi Brother Joe.
Bro. Joe: do you work here?
Lady: yes o.
Bro. Joe: for how long now?
Lady: oh more than a year now.
Bro. Joe: ok nice to meet you again
Lady: Nice to meet you too.
I was left alone wondering of my own
thought as they continued with their
chat. I think they have even forgotten
that they met again because of me. After
some more chat, the lady turned to me
and asked.
Lady: is that your younger brother?
Bro. Joe: yeah and he has gained
admission here.
Lady: ok, nice. i will monitor his
movement in the school then.
She then asked for my two passport
pictures which i handed it over to her,
she gave my brother some forms and
asked him to help me fill it and we did.
She stamped on them, opened a drawer
and added it to some other filled forms
already there. They exchanged contacts,
the lady then asked me to see her later
which i noded.
She came out with us and directed us to
another office to go and submit the
bankers draft and we did.
After we came out from the office, a man
took us to the Senior House father.
He asked of my name and i told him my
full name.
He then took me to the dorm site.
S. H. Master: Jake.
Me: yes sir.
S. H. Master: this man you are seeing
here is your house father, his name is Mr.
Me: ok sir, thank you sir.
S. H. Master: you are welcome. See you
Me: ok sir.
***He left.***
Mr. Akoto: How are you Jake?
Me: am fine sir.
Mr. Akoto: thank God.
My brother paid the neceassry dues and
he checked my things and everything was
intacked, he asked one boy to call him
the dorm prefect which he came.
Mr. Akoto asked him to take my things
inside and find me a bed. The Dorm
Prefect then asked some boys to carry
my trunk and chopbox and asked me to
follow him.
I said bye to my brother and followed him
We entered the main dorm and there was
a lot of beds there.
Many were lying on their bed which i
later knew they were having their siesta
time. He went around and came back and
said the beds are all full so i need to join
the seniors in the cubicle. It was my first
time of hearing that word. Meaning a
small room inside a main dorm is called
cubicle? I asked myself.
Just as he said that, i heard some
student on top of their bed murmuring,
“akoa wei awu”.
Meaning this guy is dead.
Who? Are they referring to me?
He knocked the door and a voice
responded ” come in” the voice was so
heavy that i begun to ask myself that
what kind of food does that man eats
that can make his voice so heavy.
The Dorm Prefect entered and asked the
boys to bring my things.
Just as i was about to enter i saw a
certain inscription on top of the door that
shocked me.
Chaii!! Am dead indeed.
Watchout for episode 3.


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