Girl's in the boys dormitory, story by papajay

Episode 3
It was written on top of the door boldy
***omooo am dead, am i going to live
with lions? i asked myself but i had no
option than to enter so i entered and to
my suprise, there were these 5 giant men
in the room
ME:***no wonder the voice i heard was
so deep***
some were lying on their bed which i
guess they were sleeping but the
remaining two were eating and as soon
as they saw me, they shouted at me.
***Hey!!! be on your knees***
i quickly obeyed and knelt down. They
begun to asked a lot of questions which i
did not even know which answer to give
them. The Dorm Prefect finally showed
me a bed and asked one of seniors to
take care of me but the other one broke
in and said they don’t need any junior in
their dorm so i should get out but the
dorm prefect said “But Zogaroo, you
know i have been trying not to bring a
junior here but all the beds are occupied
and i had no option than to bring him
here so please kindly let him remain here
and i promise not to bring any Junior
here again”
It is there i got to know one of them is
** Zogaroo** wow it must be his
nickname but the name really resembles
him because if you take a critical look at
him you will say he was left with only 5%
to be in the zoo.
Too much hair from his chest down.
Zogaroo still did not understand that i
should stay there but the other one said
he should understand and let me stay.
All this while i was praying inside that
they should not understand because at
the first sight i was afraid of them but it
seems this time my prayers were not
He agreed and asked of my name.
Zogaroo: What is your name?
Me: Am Jake
Zogaroo: Jake Monkey or Jake gorilla?
Me:***look at him, me and you who
resembles gorilla?***am Jake Omar.
Zogaroo: hmmn, what is your mission
Me: am here to study.
Zogaroo: which course are you coming to
Me: Visual Arts.
Zogaroo: oh nice, am also a visual art
The Dorm prefect left and the three
juniors who brought in my things were
about to leave too when suddenly the
other Senior called them back.
Senior: hey!! what were you waiting for?
after bringing in the things.
***One of the juniors smiled***
Senior: ooh so do i look so funny?
They did not give any answer to his
question, just then the senior became
furious and asked them to hold the bed
one by one, he removed a belt from one
trousers hanging there and gave them
ten lashes each.
By this time i was still kneeling there
He came to me and asked me to open my
trunk and chopbox which i did.
He took a look of my things and smiled.
Senior: I think we have a provision store
here, oh that is very nice of you, you are
finally welcome.
Me: thank you.
Zogaroo: Jake!
Me: sir
Zogaroo: Am not your sir, just respond
“yes” ok.
Me: thank you.
Zogaroo: In here, you are the only junior
here and i think it’s going to remain like
this till we complete. You will see a lot of
things in this room. Just then the other
senior broke in** “I think you should wait
and let all of us be around so that we tell
him the rules of the lions den.
Zogaroo: ok. Then that will be after prep
because the syrine will soon cry for
dinning time.
The other senior responded: “yea”.
Zogaroo then released me to go and
relax on my bed but i should wake up
whenever the syrine cries. So i climbed
my bed and started thinking of how life in
the lions den will be.
By 40 minutes time the syrine cried and i
got down from the bed, by this time the
other seniors that was asleep has woken
up and it was a lot of questions coming
up from them demanding instant answers
which i tried ny best to answer them in
my own way. One of the seniors then said
they should allow me to go else i will be
late for dinning so i was allowed to go.
I went out from the lions den and in the
main dorm, they were all gone remaining
few people who were rushing to go too. I
followed one of the form one boys who
were going to the dinning.
We were a bit late, almost all the
students have seated remaining the
dinning hall prefects and some other few
people roaming about trying to find their
seat. I was stranded because i did not
know to where to sit and it seem all eyes
were on me which i hated so much just
then, the DHP called me and took me to
a certain table.
I sat down, they were all looking at me,
the ladies were 5 in number and the
juniors on the table were 3 in number, it
wasn’t difficult to detect a junior at all
because we the form one students were
wearing red check.
By 30 minute time dinning was over and
we went to prep. Is in the preping hall i
met a guy called Richard who also
happens to be in the same house (Okese
house) with me but he was in room 1
and i was in room 4 cubicle.
We had a little chat and he told me his
experience in the school since came to
the school few days ago.
He talked a lot about the school, some
were very interesting but the part that
made me worried is how the seniors treat
them at the dorm side. It is there he told
me that he pity me a lot because of the
room i was taking to, infact he said a lot
about those seniors am in the same room
To him, they are the most bad boys and
very notorious in the school.
I started thinking of how to behave
myself before them so not to put myself
into trouble. He gave me one of his
books to look in, it was a geography
book and as a visual art student i will
not be studying geography but in order
not to sit there idle, i just opened the
book and was flipping from page to page
looking at the pictures in.
At exactly 9:00 pm, the syrine cried and
prep was over and everybody was moving
to the dorm side. We got to the dorm
side and a senior stoped all the form one
students at the entrance of the dorm and
said he is going to give “kenkey” role call,
i did not understand and asked.
Me: What is the meaning of what the
senior is talking about?
Richard: That is what they have been
doing whenever we are served “kenkey” in
the dinning hall. You are to bring your
“kenkey” from the dinning hall and put it
in the bucket there and enter or you give
them one Sardin.
Me: But am new here and i did not know.
Richard: That should not be your answer
when it reaches your turn because they
don’t accept excuses.
Me: So what? if i did not get any of what
they want.
Me: My advice to you is simple, obey it
or you are doomed. If you don’t have the
“kenkey” then borrow a sardine from any
of us.
Me: I have sardines but is in my chopbox
inside, if only he will allow me go inside,
i will get it for him.
Richard: He might consider that excuse.
It reached our turn, Richard gave him his
“kenkey” and was allowed to enter, it was
now my turn, the senior was shouting at
me to hurry up and put in my “kenkey”
Senior: Where is your “kenkey”.
Me: Please, i just came today.
Senior: And so?
Me: I did not know there is something
like this.
Senior: ***Very angry *** am going to
flog you untill you urinate, fool!.
Me: Please, the sardines are inside if you
will only allow me to enter.
Senior: **Very furious this time** foolish
boy, turn your back, you will never forget
this day, you think i have time for you?
Me: ***sad mood***
Just as i was about to turn, i saw
Richard coming out with a sardine.
Richard: Please take this and allow him
to go.
Senior: You are lucky.
I was allowed to enter.
Me: Richard, thank you very much, infact
you have saved me.
Richard: oh no worries, is my presure.
I entered inside and what i saw shocked
[6/21, 2:18 PM] chizaram: *GIRLS IN THE BOYS DORMITORY*.

*Episode 4*

I entered inside and what I saw shocked me. ***What is this?
One of the seniors was seriously romancing with a very beautiful girl inside the Lions Den.

After shouting “Jesus” I was expecting them to stop or even turn to look at me but it seem they weren’t in this world.
The senior was wearing only boxer shorts and you could see how his front has raised to a horizontal position and he was sucking the girl protruding boobs crazily as if his life depends on it with his left hand smulching the girls h---y spot and the girl who was left with only panties was moaning ssssssh, mmmnh, oooh,awash etc, she was just making funny sounds.

By this time I was just watching and was totally lost in thought because the girl was fantastically beautiful, looking at her body curves, the smooth skin, her lips, her boobs, etc I was feeling like pushing the senior aside and jumping on her.

As I was standing there watching the scene the girl turned to see me standing and pushed the senior back, the senior then turned to see me standing. Is there that I came to my senses and realise my front too was in a horizontal position forgetting the heaviness of the khaki trousers. The girl looked down my front and smiled.
The senior turned and removed a trousers hanging on the wall.
I was afraid of what is going to happen to me so I tried going out and the senior shouted at me.
Senior: Hey!!! Stupid boy, where do you think you are going? Comeback here before I bounce on you, fool.
I turned around to face him.
Senior: come on be on your knees. *I knelt down*
Senior: so you know how to go out but you chose to stand there and watch us? Ooh! Nice.
Me: *stammering* I’m, I’m sorry sir.
Senior: shut up!!! When did I become your sir? You did not even knock before entering.
Me: *silent*

Just then there was a knock on the door. KoKoko
Senior: Who is that?
Is me Kingso.Responded outside
Senior: Come in.
He entered and asked
Kingso: What’s up Zygote?
*Oh so his name is Zyote?***asking myself inside without expecting an answer from anyone.
Zygote: charle this foolish boy just spoiled my day la.
Kingso: Aww. How?
Zygote: Me and Benita was having a nice time and he banked in without knockin *cuts in***
Kingso: What!!!? Entering the Den without knocking? *Opened his eyes wide**
Is there I realize am in a serious trouble.
Zygote: What baffles me is he got the gut to stand there and watch us when we did not know he is in.
Zygote: What!!!? *Stood up**
Came close to me.
Zygote: Is all that he is saying true? *Asking me**
Me: Yes but I shouted. the name “Jesus” when I entered but I think they did not hear me.

Zygote and Benita started laughing loudly but Kingso refused to laugh.

Kingso: You hypocrite, do you know Jesus? Why then did your d--k become soo hard?
Kingso: Sure!?
Zygote : Ah! Kingso paa how can I lie? Ask Benita.
Kingso: Hahahaa I like this boy. You are too bold.
Me: *smiling* ** just then Kingso gave me a heavy slap.
I shouted ajeei, !!!
Kingso: Whom are you smiling at? Do you think we are jokers here?, if you know what is coming to happen to you, you wouldn’t be fooling yourself.
Me:Please senior i’m sorry
Zygote: shut up!!
Benita: Please take it easy with him.
Just then we heard a knock on the door again.
Kingso: who is that?
Is me Zogaroo* was the response from outside.
Zygote: Enter man.
Zogaroo came in.
Zogaroo: Sup my boy?
Referring to me and i did not know whether to respond or not.
Zogaroo: Why? Are you not responding nigga? Kneeling down is just Normal here o so take it cool ok.
He dropped his small bag on the bed.
Kingso: But there is a problem with this his kneeling.
Zogaroo: soon? You just came today and you are already in trouble? What did he do?
Two other seniors knocked on the door and joined us.
Zygote narrated all that happened again to them.
And they concluded that am going to receive fifty lashes without settlement or twenty- five lashes with a settlement so I should choose one.
I chose twenty-five with a settlement because there is no way I can receive fifty lashes even the twenty- five is just that I have no option.

Kingso then called one of the seniors who just entered by name” Abortion” to give it to me but Zogaroo cut in.
Zogaroo: But before that let him know the rules of the room.
Abortion: Yes, because after am done with him he will not get what it takes to pay attention to listen to the rules.
They then asked me to get myself a book and a pen and write down the rules as they mention them one by one.
I listed them down and it was time to receive the lashes.
I was asked to get hold of a bed and I did.
Abortion gave it to me and I shouted and he said whenever I make a little noise he will start afresh.

*Watchout for episode 5*
[6/21, 2:18 PM] chizaram: *GIRLS IN THE BOYS DORMITORY*
*Episode 6*
I nodded to their warning and quickly
jumped into my bed before I get myself
into another trouble.
I woke up a few minutes after the syrine
cried, it wasn’t easy to wake up by that
early morning since am not used to it but
as the saying goes, ‘if you go to Rome, do
what Romes do” so I had no option than to
wake up. I opened the door of *The Lions
Den*only to see Richard standing there.
Richard: Oh nice, I wanted to come and
call you but as you know, no one will
volunteer to go to hell.
Me:*Smiled* Meaning?
Richard: Oh you want me to say you are in
hell and get myself into trouble?
Me: Haha, then keep quiet before that
trouble get you bro.
We went outside with our bucket with the
intention of going to bath and the dorm
prefect saw us and questioned us whether
we have finished cleaning the compound,
so we finally went for our brooms and
went to the back yard of the block and
started sweeping.
Richard: Brother what was the problem
you said you got yourself into?
Me: I wish I could narrate everything to
you but please I can’t tell you.
Richard: Why want you tell me? You don’t
trust me? I might even help you to get out
of it.
Me: Anyway, is over now, I have finished
serving for it but that is not the reason
why I don’t want to tell you but a secret
should remain a secret.
Richard: Ok, just take care in that room.
Me: Thank you.
We finished working in the next ten
minutes, we went for our buckets and was
surprised to see a lot of people struggling
for water at the polytank. There was a long
queue and we joined the queue with the
expectation that it will reach our turn but
the most annoying part of it all is, the
seniors will ignore the queue and collect
the water from the polytank over us
making the queue to delay in movement.
Finally it was left with the last person to
reach our turn, is there we realize the flow
of the water has reduced drastically, after
my bucket was full and Richard placed his
bucket to collect, the water stopped coming
after dropping small amount into it.
So I asked Richard to join me so that we
share mine like that.
On our way to the bathroom, another form
one boy pleaded with us to join us share
the bucket of water since his was seized by
a senior after the water stopped coming, at
first we did not agree him to join us after
several plead but as he turned to go, I had
a thought that “who knows tomorrow? you
might be in the same situation” so I called
him back and he joined us to share the
bucket of water. After bathing I could feel
my body is still soapy but no more water
to wash it out so I cleaned myself with the
I finished cleaning myself and went inside
the *Lions Den*only to see all the seniors
applauding me.
I was surprised and remained uprooted
until Adonko began to speak.
Adonko: Jake, you have done well, in fact I
can see the. *den* blood in you.
Do you know we over heard the
conversation between you and your friend
at the back of this dorm when you were
Me: *shocked*
Abortion: Give thanks to God you did not
reveal the secret.
Zogaroo: I like the way you replied him “a
secret must remain a secret”
Kingso: How did he even know you were in
trouble yesterday?
Me: *oh my God where will this question
land me*
I informed him after the meeting yesterday
with Mr. Akoto after he asked me why am
looking moody.
Zygote: And what was your answer to him?
Me: I only said am in trouble and that was
Adonko: Good, may you remain like this.
Kingso: Boy get dressed fast and run into
the assembly hall before Ogbodade kills
you for been late.
I was like who is Ogbodade?
After dressing I went outside to see
Richard waiting for me. We walked fast
towards the assembly hall only to see a tic
tall dark man in front of the assembly hall
calling o-n-e, t-w-o, etc and everyone
begun to run inside the hall. Luckily we
were able to get inside the hall before he
closed the gate and begun to flock anyone
coming afterwards.
We moved around looking for a seat and it
seems all the girls were already inside, we
finally located some empty seats and sat
on it.
Me: Who is that man?
Richard: Who?
Me: The one in front of the gate .
Richard: He is the senior house master. I
heard he is very stricked.
Me: So he is the Ogbodade?
Richard: Yes, that is how they calls him but
I believe is not his real name.
Me. Hmmm.
After the morning devotion, some
announcement was made. The seniors was
asked to go inside leaving we the form one
A teacher came in to take us through
He asked us to come closer so we all
moved forward.
He lectured for about an hour and left.
After he left, I turned to see a beautiful
girl seated beside me starring at me.
I also starred at her as if I have seen
something strange on her face. I don’t
know what kept me starring at her but I
just could not remove my eyes from her.
She smiled at me and I smiled back.
Richard caught us and asked whether I
know her somewhere and I said no but I
just like her at the first side.
Richard then prompted me to ask for her
name since I like her so I took the courage
to aske her name.
Me: *Drew closer* please may I know your
Girl: *surprised look* me?
Me: Yes.
Girl: Am Sandra and you?
Me: Am Jake.
Sandra: ok nice to meet you. Me: thank
Just then another teacher came in and we
quit our introduction.
We finally closed for the day.
After preps, i entered the *Lions Den*
after knocking and was asked to come in
and there I saw the shock of my life to see
five beautiful girls inside the dormitory.
Me: What!!?
Kingso: Shut up!!!.
[6/21, 2:18 PM] chizaram: *GIRLS IN THE BOYS DORMITORY*

*Episode 5*

Abortion turely started afresh when I screamed on the fifth round so I decided not to make any noise again but to close my eyes and face the situation as a man. So he started from one and when he reached fifteen we heard the dorm prefect announcing that the house master Mr. Akoto want to see everybody in room one within two minutes for an important announcement
So I was released to go but he will continue after the announcement.

I thanked God because the remaining ten want be much problem since I have been able to receive fifteen.
I left the *Lions Den* to room one to meet the house master.

Truely within two minutes everyone was there including the *Lions Den* squad and this made me to think the house master will be very strict looking at how everyone was rushing in including the notorious guys.
Before he started he called one of the seniors (Senior Raymond) whom I later realized he is the assistant school chaplain to pray.
After praying, the house master cleared his throat and said.
Mr. Akoto: We are in another academic year and as it always be, newly students are to be admitted, so if you look around or sees any new student in the school ,just know that he/she is one of you. He/she has come to join the Abusuakese (The great family) so as a senior of this new students you have to start putting up good behavior so that they will imitate you.
To you the juniors, the school rules and regulations are attached to your prospectus so I believe you have finished taking note on them but aside those rules, this house ( *The golden house* ) has its own rules but for now I will enlighten a few of the rules to you, as time goes on you will get to know the rest.

Firstly, you are to wake up fast whenever you hear the cry of the school syrine and clean the house and its compound. For now, you will be working together but we will let each of you know his duty in this house later.
Secondly, no one is to be seen eating inside the dormitory because doing so attracts insects,etc to the house.

Mr. Akoto after lecturing for about fifteen minutes finally asked Senior Raymond to commit us to the hands of the Lord as we go to bed.

After the prayers he dismissed us and as I turned and was heading to my room wondering in my own thought how am going to receive the remaining ten lashes, I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Richard my new friend, the boy that rescued me from the “kenkey” role call senior.
Richard: Sup? Jake, you seem to be disturbed about something, hope everything is well in *the lions den* .
Me: Man nothing is well o. I’m really in a big problem.
Richard: Sure? What is wrong? Tell me I might have an alternative.
Me: Yeah but is a long story so let make it tomorrow ok.
Richard: Does it involve beating?
Me: yes. But as I said let’s make it tomorrow because a little delay will add more Sault to soup ok.
Richard: ok. Wish you well.
Me: Thank you.

I left him and went into the den after knocking this time.
Zogaroo rescued me from the remaining ten with the claim that at least I have learnt my lessons by knocking before entering and that was all they wanted to teach me but I will still do the settlement which I nodded to it so fast without asking which kind of settlements he is talking about.

Zygote then asked me to pay 60 Ghana cedis as settlement because they are five seniors in number plus Benita so everyone will be taking 10 cedis each.
I looked down because is too much for me but I was afraid of asking for reduction.
Kingso then asked me whether it is too much and I nodded to it so he asked me how much I could pay and I said 30 cedis.
Abortion: So you want to give us half of what you are to pay?
Me: Please is just that the money on me is too small.
Benita: I have forgiven him mine.
Zygote: So is now left with 50cedis, man pay make we go.
Me: *still silent*
One of the senior of the seniors whom I later knew his name as Adonko intervened that they should accept the 30cedis because no matter what am now one of them so they should just consider me.

So they finally accepted it and I payed them without delay then after that they warned me to never let what I saw in the room to heard by anyone whether in the school or at home, it should remain between me and them and I nodded to it.

The following day which was Friday was another day of revelation of *The Lions Den*

*Watchout for episode 6*
[6/21, 2:18 PM] chizaram: *GIRLS IN THE BOYS DORMITORY*
*By: Pap Jay*
*Episode 7*
Me: What!!!?
Kingso: shut up?
Adonko: *angry look* . Are you now our
landlord? You want to get yourself into
another trouble?
Zogaroo: Will you jump on your bed before
we swallow you?
Zygote: You mean we should let him go
freely like that?.
Benita: Oh forgive him, is just that the
civilian life Is still in him, i have made
plans to take it out from him.
Abortion: How are you going to do that?
First girl : He just need a f--k.
Second: By who?
First girl: Why? Don’t we have school
Third girl: I think Sweetbells is right
because looking at this guy’s life I don’t
believe he has ever f----d before.
Fourth girl: Haha, eei love doctors.How did
you know he has never f----d before.?
All this while I was already on my bed
without removing my school khaki trousers
or my shirt.
These their arguments led Zogaroo asked
me to come down so that they hear from
my own mouth.
Zogaroo: Jake, tell me the truth, have you
ever made love to a girl before?
Me: *Shy look and smiling* . please am a
And everyone bust into laughter.”
Kingso: But we are all Christians? Who is
not a Christian here?
Girls: *chorused*. Noooo one.
Zygote: So does this truly means you have
never f----d before?
Me: Nodded shyly.
Abortion: Oh my God, we have a virgin
pastor here.
Sweetbells: I said it.
Second girl: Fresh boy like you at your age?
Benita: That means we have to first spoil
this guy before he changes us.
Third girl: Am going to bring my school
daughter here next Friday and whether you
like it or not you are going to f--k her till
you can’t release anymore. *Referring to
me with seriousness*.
On hearing this my manhood started
becoming hard and I have to rush to my
bed before am caught.
Adonko: Am wondering if only this guy is
not an impotent.
Zygote: See him, you lie bad. Ask Benita
and she will gist you how this boy d--k
became hard yesterday when he broke in
at our fun time .
Sweetbells: Sure!?
Benita: As if you haven’t heard this . He is
not an impotent, he has that huge thing
between his legs but I don’t know why he
has chose to play wicked to the pretty girls
out there.
Kingso: Hey Jake.
Me: Senior.
Kingso: You are going to f--k ok.
Me: *Silent.*
Kingso: *Raised voice* Ok!!
Me: Yes senior.
Kingso: Better. A virgin is not accepted
Zygote: Boy come down and let our babies
introduce themselves to you. You need to
know your school mothers.
So I jumped down and was asked to sit on
a chop box closed there.
Benita first introduced herself.
Benita: Am Benita and a proud girlfriend of
King Zygote and I hope you already know.
2nd girl: Jessica but call me Jezy Baby and
a proud girlfriend of Doctor Abortion.
3rd girl: Am Tracy and a proud girlfriend of
4th girl: Am Agnes, call me Agi and a proud
girlfriend of Adonko.
Sweetbells: Am Belinda popularly known as
Sweetbells and a proud girlfriend of
Zogaroo .
Me: *Smiling face* Ok nice to meet you all.
*Stood up and was about to jump on my
Agi: So want you introduce yourself too?.
Me: *Smiling*. Am Jake Omar also known
as Papa Jay.
Girls: eei so you have a nickname?
Me: *Smiling* and jumped on my bed.
They continued with their conversation with
their boy friends for about an hour.
I was just lying on my bed having different
*Oh God why did you bring me to this
demonic ghetto? How am I going to survive
here?, i have promised you that am never
going to involve myself into any premarital
s-x until I get married but how am I going
to fulfil this my promise to you here?*. I
was asking God all these questions until I
started hearing some noises after they
have switched off the llight.
I heard some funny, funny sounds,
moaning, etc.
I tried closing my eyes so that sleeping will
over take me but that wasn’t successful
when the moaning started from every
corner of the room and finally graduated
into screaming, awash, ooach, sssssh,
mmmh etc.
My innocent d--k became hard and I could
not sleep.
After about one hour time, there was total
silence in the room and I thought they
were all asleep so I decided to remove my
uniform since I was not comfortable in
them. As I stood up, removed my shirt and
hanged it on the wall then I removed the
trousers too leaving my hard d--k raising
my boxer shorts into a horizontal position,
someone switched on the light.


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