life in ozoro polytechnic, a story by eliboy


         *EPISODE 17*

Rukky walked down with me to get a bike, and
promise to visit me in my hostel the next day.
Getting to my hostel, I saw those three boys coming
out from my hostel with same dress code. What
does these guys wants from me? It is clear they’re
after me because I’ve seen them almost 3 times
today. ‘Notin do me sha, as a warri boy anything
when won happen go happen’, I walked pass them
with a little fright in me, and entered my hostel. I
was thinking they will stop me but they didn’t.
I head straight to my apartment, and locked myself
inside. While in my room, I called Rukky to let her
know I have gotten home, I also called Jerry who
told me he is on his way to Warri.
– – – – – – – – – – –
I barely settled after eating a well cooked
spaghetti, when Favour started calling me on
phone. I picked up immediately;
ME: Hello fav!
FAVOUR: So it’s because of that tinny boko you
choose not to touch me last night?
ME: I don’t know what you are saying
FAVOUR: You better don’t know, but have it in
mind that, I gave you just one week to correct all
your mistakes.
She ended the call leaving me with disbelieve, this is
somebody that ate with me in the morning before I
left for school. Why is she now carrying a strange
altitude? I’m a man and should be in the right
place to force her to myself, not she forcing me to
herself. More also I don’t see anything wrong by
taking her as a friend.
I tried to call her back, and make her see reasons
with me, but her number wasn’t reachable. How did
I even get into this mess? This girl might be smoking
igbo ooo, I concluded…
– – – – – – – – – –
The next day I went to school as normal, came
back and called Rukky who promised to be with
me. She came and we both enjoyed each other’s
company, she made me feel loved, and I concluded
that I will be with her at all cost. She even gave me
a shocking news, that she told her dad about me,
being her boyfriend of which her dad gave her the
go ahead, since she isn’t a baby anymore. I was
really surprise with the way things were going
between us. She slept in my house and left the next
day morning… I was really comfortable with her,
but something is still telling me that she is not
pregnant. How can I know if she is pregnant then, I
finally came to a conclusion that, I will request for
the pregnancy result from her. She must have done
the test earlier on which makes her know that, her
pregnancy is just a month plus.
– – – – – – – – – – –
Because of the sweet moment I had with Rukky the
previous day, I woke up late. This makes me not to
prepare on time and went to school meeting the
first class of the day half way, I tried to search for
Chekwube through the window, but couldn’t find her
in the class. I entered the lecture hall through the
back door and stood there, until the lecturer left
the class. I manage to sight Chekwube on a
different seat, I walked to her to know why she
didn’t sit in our normal seat, she said someone was
sitting there when she entered and she has to look
for an empty seat, where the both of us can
As usual, we went out of the lecture hall to get
snacks and pepsi, since the next class will
commence in 30mins time. As we approached the
canteen holding each other’s hands, someone
tapped me from behind and I turned to see who
the person was. It was Favour.
FAVOUR: Lover boy, tell your smalli to leave us
(pointing at Chekwube)
ME: For what reason if I may ask? Did you lost your
FAVOUR: Don’t dare me Eli just do as I say
ME: You surprise me like seriously, you weren’t like
this when we first met. (Chekwube perceiving
danger, get loose of her hands from mine and went
into the canteen to watch what was going on)
FAVOUR: I just don’t know why you are acting
childishly, all this heavenly property I’m offering
you, you say you don’t like them, and here you
are going after lizards that don’t have anything to
offer you
ME: You just intimidated me before my friend and I
won’t take such rubbish from you next time, don’t
even think of seeing me as a friend anymore… get
off my way you disgust me. (I pushed her off my
way and walked in to meet Chekwube)
FAVOUR: We shall see. You have stepped on my
toe, and it hurt me really bad (she shouted as I
walked into the canteen)
I was really embarrassed with what Favour did and
didn’t bother to eat anything in the canteen, I only
bought snacks for Chekwube and we both went into
our lecture hall thereafter. Chekwube tried all
means to know who Favour is to me, and why she
acted that way in public, but I wasn’t in the mood
to explain anything to her.
After our last class she followed me to my house
where we ate together and played WHOT.
I called my love RUKKY, to come over and meet
Chekwube, who I’ve already told her about when
she slept in my house the previous day. Rukky has
already planned to see her and also pass the night
in my house….


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