life in ozoro polytechnic, a story by eliboy


            *EPISODE 18*

I and Chekwube were busy concentrating on the
WHOT we were playing, when RUKKY came
knocking. Chekwube went for the door and RUKKY
walked in with a splendid smile…
RUKKY: She must be the brain box you have been
telling me about?
ME: Yeah, she is the Chekwube who always stood by
me as long as that department is concern
(Chekwube locked the door and took back her
RUKKY: She is a pretty young girl, we even look
alike (Chekwube smiled as she blushed)
ME: I disagree, you both have pointed nose and
same complexion that doesn’t make you babes
look alike
CHEKWUBE: Whether you like it or not ELI, she has
said it all and I agree with her
ME: Girls and backup, una win ooo
We were still discussing when I realized my fridge is
lacking yoghurts and drinks; all I have inside was
just sachet water. I excused myself from them and
went outside to get drinks, yoghurts, fruits and
bread. RUKKY love eating indomie and I decided to
get some eggs also since two cartons of indomie
are still in my kitchen… I went to a small market
close to my hostel to get all I needed.
On my way back, three young boys ambushed me.
They jumped out from an unknown location and
pointed different instrument on me, since I didn’t
see them with a gun, I took a bold step by asking
them what the problem was. I didn’t get to finish
the statement when one of them gave me a dirty
slap. I kept quiet as they asked me to follow them
without looking back; I obeyed and started walking
with them. They all hid their instrument on their
body and started talking to each other as we
walked back to the direction where I was coming
I realized they have lost focus on me, since their
discussion brought argument among them, the worst
part of it was that they didn’t mask up and I can
see their face clearly even thou it’s about 6:45pm,
these guys are the three boys that I have been
seeing for the past days, the only difference is that
they weren’t putting on their black clothes rather
they dressed on jeans and white shirt. Thank GOD
for making me a Warri boy, I brilliantly started
walking sluggishly as if am tired, until they are few
steps ahead of me. With a twinkle of an eye, I
entered reversed after holding an automatic break,
and ran out of their sight like super Mario (B
race). They ran after me and I didn’t bother to
turn back to see if they are close. If it were to be
Olympic, the best runner in 500metres race can’t
even see my back, as I staggered passed all
obstacles on my way. I ran to a point that I
couldn’t move any further due to fatigue, I
diminished my speed as soon as I got close to a
busy place and looked backed to see if they were
still coming, but they weren’t in any way coming. I
became relaxed and sat on the tar road. Wow!!!
It’s a narrow escape I said to myself;
Who really are those guys?
Why are they after me?
Why did I even run?
Will they come after me again?
What can I do now to overcome them?
Or are they cultist?
I didn’t offend anyone na, or did I?
What must I do now?
Should I inform the police?
They might be kidnappers.
Who even sent them to kidnap me?
Do I look like Dangote son?
What would have happened if I didn’t run?
After much thinking, I stood up, carry the nylon
that contains all I bought and went to my house in
haste because Chekwube was still there, waiting for
me to return before she leaves for her house. I got
home and found the two girls laughing seriously.
They both were shocked to see me sweating and
breathing so hard;
RUKKY: Baby what took you so long and why are
you like this?
ME: Do you want to know? (trying to arrange a
truthful lie)
RUKKY: Sure, we want to know. Abi Chekwube?
ME: I forgot all the things I bought, after reaching
the hostel and have to run back to get them
RUKKY: What were you thinking that makes you to
forget your things, baby is like you will suck b----t
so that you won’t forget again. Maybe you will
even forget yourself in the market one day
CHEKWUBE: Whose b----t do you want him to suck
if not yours? (Laughing seriously)
ME: Help me asked her oooo
RUKKY: His mum is there
ME: Na story you dey find and na acting play you
go watch
RUKKY: You are not serious, don’t you know you
have started acting the movie already
ME: I’m not acting anything. That’s reminds me,
Chekwube you are passing the night here because
there is no bike out there again, and I have locked
the hostel gate
CHUKWUBE: We have already said that before you
came in, there is no problem with it at all.
ME: Better (walking to the kitchen to drop what I
bought, after putting the drinks and yoghurts in the
Rukky prepared the indomie which we ate together
and slept after much conversation that night. The
two girls enjoyed themselves getting to know each
other as I was busy thinking of the scenario that
took place that evening between me and the three
bad guys. I couldn’t sleep that night as I stared at
the PVC roof in my apartment, while wrapping
RUKKY with my left hand and my right hand feeling
her labia minoral on code, without CHEKWUBE
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Early Friday morning, I received a massage from an
unknown sender. I opened it to see what was sent;
“You were lucky to escape from my boys due to
their carelessness, but I promise you that, you
won’t escape again since I will accomplished the
next move myself… it’s not a warning nor threat,
take note”
The message got me speechless as I tried to figure
out who the antagonist was, I couldn’t make a
move as CHEKWUBE and RUKKY tried to get my
attention. They were both prepared waiting for me
to get ready for us to leave the house. I just can’t
go out after all this, what if they bracket me out
there? It is safe I remain at home all day, but I
can’t miss class.


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