Halloween haunting, a story by greg(reader's discretion is strongly advice)

Episode 8

"Holly!” Kevin shouted. He stood to his feet fast
and raced out the front door. Miller followed him
The storm clouds had cleared and left a cold
dampness in the autumn air. A full moon sat in
the sky and illuminated the property in a soft, yet
eerie glow. Kevin and Miller ran down the front
porch steps and into the soggy grass of the
“Holly!” Kevin called out.
She screamed again – it was coming from the
Kevin sprinted down the side of the house and
Miller followed close.
“Kevin, slow down!” Miller yelled.
As they reached the backyard, they saw a vivid
glow radiating from inside the barn. Without
hesitation, Kevin dashed for the barn and ran
The large black cauldron, layered in spider webs,
was boiling. There was a fire spewing from a
nest of firewood underneath it. Inside the
cauldron was a black, bubbling liquid with body
parts sticking out of it – the two officer‟s body
Miller ran in behind Kevin and watched as the
body parts boiled.
“Kevin, help!” Holly screamed. Kevin and Miller‟s
attention was drawn to the back corner of the
barn where the decrepit corpse of Raven
levitated just above the ground, trapping Holly in
the corner. “Get away from her!” Kevin shouted.
Raven swung around in mid-air and finally
revealed herself in all of her glory. Her aged
Unclad body hovered just over the barn floor. Her
body was ill – her bones clearly visible through
her thin and gristly skin. On her head, long and
stringy erratic black hairs hung down low,
covering her chest and most of her face. Her
eyes were nothing more than hollowed out black
craters that were oozing a thick, dark liquid.
Blood was crusted in the corners of her mouth,
which was wide with rows of jagged and broken
teeth. She tilted her head to the side and then
reached her arms out towards Kevin and Miller.
She hovered towards them at a quick speed.
Miller lifted his gun and fired a shot, which
impaled her chest. Blood sprayed out of the exit
wound in her back and covered Holly‟s face.
Holly screamed. The impact of the bullet did
nothing to stop Raven – she continued on course
and wrapped her hands around Miller‟s neck. He
dropped his gun and flashlight as she lifted him
off the ground.
She tightened her grip and smoke began to
billow from between her fingers. She shrieked
and howled in a most inhuman way. Miller‟s eyes
widened and his throat closed up, preventing him
from squealing. The skin on his neck, under
Raven‟s grasp, began to bubble and melt. Holly
cringed in the corner of the barn. Miller‟s eyes
shifted over and he looked at Kevin, who had
frozen in fear. He snapped out of his state and
looked to the wall where he saw an old, rusty
hand scythe hanging on the wall. He ripped it
from the wall and turned around to face Raven,
just in time to see Miller‟s body – from the neck
down – fall to the ground.
Raven held Miller‟s head in her hands and turned
around. She dropped his head into the boiling
cauldron and it sizzled. Kevin swung the hand
scythe down and stabbed it into Raven‟s leg. She
screeched and dropped to the ground. Kevin
ripped the blade out of her leg and plunged it
down into her shoulder. She screeched again,
only louder this time. “Kevin!” Holly screamed.
She ran up to her brother and grabbed his arm.
He knelt down and picked up Miller‟s gun and
held it in other hand. “Come on,” Kevin said.
They made a quick dash for the exit, but the
barn doors closed before they could get there.
Kevin and Holly stopped and turned around.
Raven was hovering just above the ground again,
directly in front of the cauldron. Kevin released
himself from Holly‟s terrified grip and charged
towards the ghoul. “Kevin, no!” Holly shouted.
Kevin raised the blade and slammed it directly
into Raven‟s head. He released his hand from
the handle and watched Raven drop to the
ground again with the scythe sticking out of her
skull. She collapsed into the cauldron, knocking it
The black liquid spilled all over the floor and
ignited like gasoline from the fire underneath it.
The fire quickly spread across the floor and
climbed the walls of the barn. Raven screeched
and shrieked hellish growls as the fire latched
onto her and quickly engulfed her body....

She rose up off of the ground and lifted her arm,
pointing directly at Kevin. Flames roared off of
her and then she shot towards them. Kevin
ducked just in time and Raven crashed through
the barn doors.
"Come on!” Kevin yelled and grabbed Holly by
the arm. He led them out of the barn and along
the side of the house. They passed a large
propane tank against the house and Kevin
stopped to look at it.
“Kevin!” Holly screamed. He looked up and saw
Raven flying towards them, covered in flames.
“Run!” Kevin yelled. They both took off running
along the side of the house as Raven was
gaining on them. She let out an eerie cackle and
then knocked the two of them to the ground.
Kevin rolled over and fired two shots at Raven,
but missed. She hovered above the ground and
circled the siblings.
A „kaw‟ caught Kevin‟s attention. He looked at
the side of the house and saw the black raven
land on the propane tank. He had only one
He aimed the gun at the propane tank and pulled
the trigger. The bullet collided with the side of
the tank and exploded.
A giant fireball erupted from the tank and spread
across the grass and to the cornfield, igniting
the stalks. The side of the Watkins‟ house
crumbled and the explosion spread into the living
room. Within seconds, the house was completely
Raven watched as the house burned just as she
did. She turned back around and fell to the
ground – the fire was eating away at her skin.
She was becoming weak. Kevin helped Holly to
her feet and they faced Raven. With the scythe
still sticking out of her head, and her entire body
on fire, she found enough vigor to make one last
dash towards them.
“Run!” Kevin grabbed his sister by the arm and
they turned and ran into the cornfield. They
dodged the tall stalks of corn, trying to outrun
the witch. Holly looked behind her and saw a ball
of fire following them, sending the flames
reaching just above the tops of the corn. Raven
screeched loudly and finally came to a stop. She
dropped to the ground and started to crawl.
Kevin and Holly stopped and watched as the
stalks of corn around Raven burned and dwindled
away. They watched as she burned in the
cornfield once again. Kevin looked up over the
tops of the corn and saw the Watkins home
burning. The flames reached up into the night
sky and lit up the entire property....
They both watched as the body of Raven
deteriorated in a burning pile of black ash. The
fire continued to spread in the cornfield. “Come
on,” Kevin said calmly to his sister. They turned
and headed through the field in the direction of
the road. Moment later, they exited the cornfield
and walked out onto Amity Road. They followed
the street back towards the Watkins property and
stopped when they reached the vacant police
car. They stood there and watched as the house
and barn burned down. The blaze in the cornfield
began to dwindle and isolated itself to just the
edge of the field. Kevin and Holly were
speechless. They didn‟t even know what to say
or how to react.
Kevin felt a vibration in his pocket. He reached in
and pulled out his phone and saw that it had
restarted and was turning itself back on.
“My phone‟s working,” he said with a smile on
his face. He thought for a moment and then
opened the driver‟s side door of the police car
and sat in it. The keys were still in the ignition.
He turned the key and the engine started. Holly
sighed in relief.......
As the sun rose on the cold morning of
November 1st, the fire department was on the
scene at the Watkins‟ property. After hours of
battling the flames, they were able to extinguish
the threat, and it left the house in a pile of
charred rubble. A portion of the cornfield that
sat next to the house had been singed and left a
vacant space in the lot. All that was left of
Raven‟s terror was a pile of black ash and a body
Neither Kevin nor Holly slept. They went back to
Holly‟s house after they left the Watkins‟ home
to burn. Holly had cautiously walked into her
bedroom, expecting to see a decaying corpse of
Ava, but it was gone. There was no sign of her,
or any evidence that anything was ever wrong.
The electricity was back on, the phones and cars
worked – it was almost like nothing even
But Kevin and Holly knew something happened.
Something unexplainable. The supernatural force
of a murdered witch had overpowered Hilliard.
Raven‟s hatred and anger towards the city had
reached its breaking point, and she unleashed a
terrifying hell upon the town. People were dead,
and an old rage was to blame. Raven was burned
alive for her craft, but her spirit never left her
home. It took to shape of a ghoulish presence
and inflicted a disturbing punishment upon a city
that shunned her, blamed her, and ultimately
killed her. The haunting of Hilliard had come to
an end, but for how long? Raven had been
burned alive once before, and was reborn as a
morbid, vicious creature. Who‟s to say it won‟t
happen again!!!!!!
curtains fall



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