theory "X" a story by duch(crime)

This is my second attempt of posting story on
Nairaland. Theory X is a crime thriller,you will
surely enjoy it. I will be doing a bi-weekly
post;Thursdays and Fridays to be precise.
All right reserved, no part of this story may be
copy in any way without the written permission
of the author. All characters are the imaginary
creation of the author. Your criticism is
Dedicated to my humble mentors who help shape
my writing skills in one way or the other through
your stories.
TiffanyJ Kimkardashain bibijay123
Chumzypinky petermuller Chipappii
stephenGee12 EvaJael ghostwritter
marianneada SheWrites Lleigh Clemzy16
Jagugu88li, ladysuperb, queenitee, Lleigh,
hadampson, haramedee99, girlhaley,
creeza, ikombe, biafrabushboy,
Episode 1
Blinding lightening flashed in the sky,followed by
deafing thunder;it was raining heavily. The
nurses run around,closing windows of wards to
prevent rain from getting to patients. The door
burst open and a tall,slender man came in. He
was soaked in rain and had his hands over his
stomach. Water,mixed with blood was dripping
from his clothe. He starrgered in then collapsed
after taking few steps. Three nurses rushed
towards him and lifted him onto the stretcher
near the entranced and wheeled him into the
emergency room. They unbuttoned his shirt
hurriedly and used a scissors to tear his
singlet.The nurses looked at eachother
confusingly when they saw it was a gun
wound.They don't treat patient with gun wound
without a police report and here they are with a
dying man.They glanced at the man who was
slowly loosing his consciousness.
"Go and call the doctor."The most elderly among
the nurses commanded to one of the two nurses
The nurse dashed out immediately.The nurse
pressed the wound with the torn singlet to stop
blood flow.The door opened and the nurse and
doctor came in.The nurse removed the singlet
from the wound to reveal the wound.The doctor
looked at the wound then at the nurse who
nodded at him.He sighed and ordered the nurse
that went to call him to bring the medical kit and
they started the word of saving the man.After
about thirty minutes,the bullet was removed and
the wound was stitched.He was taken into a
ward and put on drip.
The rained has subsided and it was only
drizzling.The door opened and three hefty men
came in.They wore black raincoats and black
glasses over their eyes;the mere sight of them
could make one tremble in fear.They asked
around where the doctor's office was and were
directed.They barged into the office and banged
the door behind them making the doctor stop
what he was doing and looked up at them.
"Escuse me,who are you and what..."He stopped
talking when he saw the gun which was pointed
directly at his forehead;he raised his hands up.
"You were saying something."The man that
pointed the gun at him said with a husky voice.
"No,I wasn't saying anything."He said fearfully.
"We are looking for a man with gun wound,he is
tall and slender."The man in the middle inquired
with a frown.The doctor looked at the men and
gulped hard.
"You have seen him."The third man uttered
softly."We won't hard you if you cooperate."
"Yes,he is in one of the wards."
"Take us to him,and... Don't try anything stupid
or I will make a hole in your big head with my
gun."The man with the gun uttered looking at the
pistol in his hand.
"I won't dare."
The doctor walked hurriedly out of the office
towards the direction of the ward.He opened the
door and to his surpised,the ward was empty and
the window was widely opened. He rushed into
the bathroom combined with toilet but the man
was no where to be found.The doctor turned and
looked at the stern looking men fearfully.
"I...I... Please don't kill me,he was here I
swear...I wouldn't have helped him if I... Please
don't shoot me." He stammered sweating despite
the cold weather.
"We won't shoot or kill you but we will definately
leave you with something to remember us
with."The man with the gun said and moved
towards him,he stared at him for awhile then hit
him with the butt of the pistol.


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