theory "X" a story by duch(crime)

Episode 4
They went to the canteen with Jamil to eat
during their lunch break and were watching the
news when the topic of corruption came up.
"Have you heard of the new programme
introduced by the ministry of finiance?"Jamil
"You know I don't watch the news right?"
"Well it is called the whitsle blowing,a
programme aimed retriving back stolen money."
"How does it work?"
"If you know anyone who stole money from the
government,all you need to do is tip the
government about him or her;they even have an
app.The good thing is that the whitsle blower get
five percent of whatever money that is retrived
and the person's identity won't be exposed to
the public."
"Are you serious?"Hillary asked interestingly.
"See yeye question oo."
"So if I tip the government about a seventy
million dollar being stolen by someone at the top
and the money is recovered,I will get five
percent of the money?"
"And no one will know I was the snitch?"
"Yes,wait oo,why are you asking me too much
question?You seem interested.Do you know
anyone that stole government money?"
"Be careful guy or you get yourself into
trouble."Jamil uttered and chucked.
Hillary remain quiet throughout the meal.They
finished their meal and returned to their
offices.He was unable to do any work for the
remaining part of the day;he was deeply in
thought.He brushed the thought out of his mind
as he drove home.It is Nigeria and recovered
money are restolen.He sat down on the sofa and
on the televison.He started channel shuffling and
his eyes caught one of the headlines on a news
eyes bulged as he sat up properly.He took his
phone and calculated five percent of seventy
million dollar.
Hillary was in the office working when the door
opened and his boss entered.He took his eyes
away from the system and looked at his boss
who stood few inches away from the door,hands
in the pocket.He removed the glass on his eyed
and stood up immediately.
"Good afternoon sir."He greeted.
"Hillary,it is the guys from the defense
headquarter again.They are having the same
problem again and I want you to go there and do
your magic."
"Ok sir."He nodded.
His boos walked out of the office and shut the
door.He did a victory sign with his hand and
smiled happily.His plan has worked out
perfectly.He sent a virus the previous night to
enable him have access to the database.He will
download all the files and email in the database
and sent it to the government,he will be given his
five percent,he will quit his job at Fitch
Technologies and start his own company.
He sat on the chair and rolled round laughing
happily.He stopped after sometimes,stood
up,packed everything he would be needing into
the laptop bag and stormed out out of the
office.He speed to the headquarter in a happy
mood with music booming.He saw George infront
of the reception entrance arm crossed.His look
could melt a stone.Hillary smiled at him as he
came out of his car.
"Good afternoon Mr. George."Hillary stretched
his hand forward for a hand shake.
"Morning Mr. Hillary,you're here again."George
uttered as they shook hands.
"Yes."Hillary replied smiling.
"Well it seems the hackers are getting an upper
hand over you."
"Hackers are always a step ahead."
"Maybe we will call a hacker next time."George
said and sniffed.
"Maybe."Hillary beamed.
"There is something about you that I don't trust;I
am suspecting you."George fixed his gaze on
Hillary.Hillary smiled and look away then at
him,trying to compose himself.
"That's your opinion.I can't deny you that
right.Can we get to work,please?"Hillary uttered
stressing the last word and raised hia
eyebrown."I have a lot of work to do you see."
"Of course,but remember any mistake will land
you in jail."
"I understand that Mr. George."
Hillary sneered staring at George.They stared at
eachother for awhile then George scoffed,turned
and entered the reception.Hillary closed his eyes
relieved and followed him.They arrived at the
dataroom and George opened the door.They
entered and Hillary sat infront of the
system.George stood behind him,looking at him
Hillary raised his head and looked at him then
said:"Can I get some privacy please."
George stared at him for awhile then walked out
of the room.Hillary let out a sigh of relief.He
turned the system on,worked on it then took out
a flash from his bag and insert it in the port and
started copying the data.He peered at the
screen,tapping his fingers on the table.He rolled
his shirt to the forearm and began biting his
nails nervously.The copying was at ninety two
when he began hearing footstep approaching.His
heart began pulsing as the steps approches
nearer.He shared his look between the system
screen and the door.The copying finished just as
the footstep stopped at the door.He removed the
flash and throw it into the bag just as the door
was opening.He turned and looked at George in
"What?Why are you looking at me that
way?"George asked frowning.
"Excuse me."Hillary said trying to hide the fear in
his eyes.
"There is fear in your eyes,I can see it."
"Like seiously?"
George walked and bent forward over Hillary and
checked the notification bar.Hillary pressed his
teeth hard against eachother fearfully.George
stood upright and glanced at Hillary.
"You're done?"
"You have trust issues."
"Can you go out now?"
Hillay scoffed,stood up,packed his things and
walked out smiling under his breath.In a matter
of time,he will become a billionnaire;life is just
about to start,he said to himself.He drove out of
the headquarter a happy man.He incresed the
volume of the music as the wheels touched the
highway;nodding to the music as he drove back
to the office.


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