Ancient margic of Nissin,a story by king david

'Swoooosh' was the sound made as i parried a
blow aimed at my torso and then suddenly my
eye caught another sword coming down at me
which i countered with my own sword forming
the letter 'X' and facing the dark eyes of my
Using the momentum, he pushed me backwards
and the next thing I saw was two kicks coming
straight down unto my chest, in one swift motion,
I rolled under the attack coming face to face
with my dad.
'Nice move' He said.
I didn't even have the time to reply before he
strucked again with his two swords,slashing in
perfect synchronicity in which i blocked, parried
and weaved.
I can't help but wonder how this man became
the fierce warrior he is.All these years,it has
always been him on the offensive and me on the
defensive.He could have been a more fierce
warrior if he was a magic wielder but
unfortunately he isn't.But as he is, he's still one
of the best fighters in Nissin.
'Don't let your mind sway away while battling
boy'.I heard him say and just then he feigned an
attack to my right and at the last moment he
dived to my left and attacked which i blocked
with my sword but the power of the attack
knocked my sword out of my grasp.
Without even allowing me to think, he jumped
and landed two kicks in quick successions of
which i gracefully received with my chest
sending me flying backwards and crashing my
back against a dummy in the training room and I
was sent into a frenzy of fresh coughs as I tried
to steady my breath.
'Daviddddddddddddddddddd'. I heard mum
screaming and running in my direction.
'Are you okay?' she asked as she got to my side.
I just nodded in reply to her question.She turned
and started yelling at dad.
'You could have kill him right there' "Sebastian"
Isn't this too much for a 15years old boy?
He just did his birthday few days ago and you
went on kicking him that way.
My dad was just watching with an amused grin
on his face as he was walking towards me.
'Take this and go freshen up boy' he said in his
usual gruff voice and with that he stomped out of
the room with mum trailing behind him.
I picked myself up and wiped the sweat forming
on my forehead with the face towel he gave me.
It's just so amusing that I can't beat dad out of
the five years we've been sparring. It has been
an unachievable feat right from when I was ten.
We spar every saturdays and I have never for
once beat him.sometimes I will train extra hard
just to beat him but it is always futile.
And mum was right I just did my birthday few
days ago and bizarre things have been happening
to me. I mean really real bizarre things. Stuff like
seeing things before they happen, and
'Gbaaaaam' I snapped out of my thoughts as I
turned to see the dummy I had crashed against
earlier fall.
'hmmmmmmmn' I sighed before walking out of
the training room. On my way I heard dad telling
mum that he is trying to build me to be a great
fighter and a good man.
Well I understand that he is just trying to train
me to be the brave fighter I was born to be and I
really appreciate that because it's making get
stronger each day.
I got into my room and headed into the bathroom
for a shower.
15 minutes later.
I emerged from the bathroom with only a towel
on and I was standing face to face with the only
standing mirror in my room.
I took a good look at myself. Looking at my dark
and curly hair, a pair of sea-green eyes, perfectly
shaped jaw and a six pack already forming.What
amuse me most is the colour my eyes.Got them
neither from my mum nor my dad.
'David' I heard mum calling me.
'Yes mum' I screamed.
'Peace is back' she screamed back.
Wow! Wow! Wow!my sweet younger sister is
back. I quickly slip on my shirt, a pair of black
trousers and a matching black boot before
running to meet my sister. Really missed her just
for the little time she used to go get foodstuff for
the family.
I entered into the living room where I saw her
bringing out all the foodstuff she got from the
market. As soon as she saw me, she ran and
gave me an unexpected hug,i can't help but take
in her orange mint smell of. Mum and dad was
just looking at us like some alien.
'I missed you david' she said as she released me.
'Missed you too sweet pea' I replied. So what do
you bring.... I had to swallow the words as three
apples was sent flying to my direction which I
caught easily.
Oh gosh...... I love apples
"Thank you Peace" I said before storming out of
the house into the wander woods. A forest like
place situated near our house but have taking a
great interest in the place because of the
peaceful and fresh air that soothes your skin. I
took out the apples I began crushing them with
my strong teeth.
She is such an intelligent sister to have known
that apple is my favorite food.We have our
occasional ups and downs though but she is still
the best sis ever. Being a year older than her,
have grown to look unto her not as my younger
sister but as my agemate.
I was on the third apple when I started feeling
uneasy,goosebumps appearing on my skin and i
was engulfed by a feeling of being watched.just
then I saw an old man appear and sat down next
to me and the next thing I heard was
Hello..........Greetings to the chosen one.......
What's up people... That's the end of chapter 1 I
hope you guys will love it.....
Feel free to like,comment and vote...... Adieu for
now buddies.


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