When hell over flow a story by Ufuoma.k.oluwaseun

About the author:
I'm Ufuoma and I'm new here. Granted I've
registered for ages but I've only started using
this account. I love telling stories almost as
much as I love being told stories. I've noticed
that a lot of writers have to tag people to read
their stories. Are these people the author knows
or just anybody? If anyone knows, let me know
please. Especially as I doubt anyone would see
this without the tags. The stories I write for now
are quite short. Enjoy, whoever finds my story.
© Ufuoma Oluwaseun
Rain pelted against the roof like a frantic intruder
hoping to break into his victim's house, the
accompanying wind and thunderstorm rattled the
windows adding to the eeriness of the night.
Nkem yawned rubbing at his eyes and casting a
weary glance at the wall clock hanging in the
supermarket. It was 10:40pm. He had to start
heading home, Ever since the death of his wife,
he worked long hours at his supermarket in order
to avoid going to the empty house. Their union
had been without issue. He locked up the shop
and strolled in the rain to his car. Lightning
struck casting shadows in the dark parking lot.
For a fraction of a second, he saw the shadow of
a woman from the corner of his eyes. His head
turned swiftly, there was no one there. He sighed
as his car keys turned in the lock and proceeded
to lower himself into the car.
Lightning struck again and this time, he saw the
shadow again at the window of the passenger
seat, tentatively he turned his head and shrieked
in fear as his eyes met with the eyes of his dead
wife, Oluchi. Her eyeballs hung at their sockets
threatening to fall out, maggots frolicked about
her face, crawling from her nose into her ears
like the jewelry of an Indian bride. The skin on
her face had wrinkled so much but still he could
tell it was her. Her face was pressed against the
passenger window.
“Jesuuuuuussss oh” he yelled frantically trying to
kick-start the engine, it wouldn’t respond.
“Bia, Nkem keep quiet biko”.
He continued screaming as he fumbled with the
door in an attempt to run out. The door didn’t
budge. He started to pray, speaking in tongues
for the first time in his life.
She rolled her eyes at him. “Keep quiet” she
ordered in a bored tone “I just want to go to our
home, shower and have a good meal”. Noticing
that he had quieted down she continued
“ I haven’t had a decent meal for at least three
years, there’s no decent food in hell” she
“Did you break out of there? What are you doing
here?” he queried, surprised that he was able to
form sentences given the situation.
“I thought you would never ask” she smiled at
him, showing a rotten set of dentition. Noticing
the look of horror, she stuck her tongue out and
proceeded to lick the passenger window. He
started whimpering as he noticed that her tongue
was divided into several bits like an octopus with
each division seeming to have a life of its own
and crawling around the window.
“Chill out” she mocked.
“Kedu ihe bu Chill out?” he asked still trying to
get out of the car.
“Oh..it means calm down” she replied retracting
her abominable tongue “the young folks in hell
use it a lot….it’s funny, the place is hot like hell”
she laughed at her own joke before continuing
“and they're saying chill out….anyways
remember when you used me for money rituals?
Fun times huh? Except it wasn’t fun for me, why
couldn’t you use your eyebrows or genitals huh?”
She wiggled her eyebrows causing her eyeballs
to jump around in an unnatural way “ I hear
people use those”.
She laughed as she saw that he had wet his
pants. “Anyways hell got too full and I got
booted by the devil. Booted means kicked out by
the way. Those young folks have corrupted my
English”. She disappeared from the window and
appeared in the car causing him to jump in fear.
She laughed again causing one of her maggots
to fall, it hurriedly climbed back to her face.
Nkem held back the urge to vomit.
She frowned “Am I that repulsive? Good. You did
this to me. Anyways” she stared at him causing
him to look away “I wasn’t bad enough for hell
so I went to heaven and guess what?”.
“I can’t guess, Oluchi”
She hissed “What good are you anyway. I wasn’t
good enough for heaven too so here am I”.
He shook his head in disbelief “Hell can never
get full”.
“ See for yourself” She said as she reached for
his head and tore out an ear. He yelled in pain
and instinctively reached for his ear. Warm blood
trickled down his hand.
He tried without success to get away from her,
his limbs were paralysed “What are you doing,
“Eating you” she said sinking her teeth into the
ear dangling from her finger tips “So you can see
for yourself that hell gets full” she said amidst
chewing “Although I doubt someone like you
would be kicked out”. She reached for him again
and he shrieked in fear.
Few minutes later, she stumbled out of the car
pausing to stare at the lifeless body in the car
before disappearing into the night. She needed
to find the juju priest.

Chapter 1

The three girls sat around the wooden table
sipping on caffeinated drinks and munching on
“I’m so happy for you Efemena but did we really
have to celebrate your last night as a single
woman in the middle of nowhere?” Stella
inquired, applying a fresh coat of a golden nail
polish on her toenails.
Efemena guffawed startling their other friend
who peered up from her phone long enough to
cast both of them a stern glance.
“Why is Sarah vexing abeg?” Efemena asked to
no one in particular.
Stella regarded Sarah, she was typing away on
her Samsung. “She wants strippers and here we
are” she waved her hands in gesticulation “we
have been whisked away to the middle of
nowhere by you. This poo is boring”.
Efemena scoffed “Stripper ke? We are Nigerians
“In Paris..Nigerians in Paris….the most romantic
place in the world” Stella interrupted, she was
painting her fingernails now “ We could be dining
at some exquisite restaurant, treating our
tongues that have been worn out by fufu, starch,
eba and the likes to Parisian delicacies “.
"Tell her oh?” That was the shrill voice of Sarah.
She was still scrolling through her phone.
Stella continued “We could be sliding money into
the G-string of a stripper but you had to drag us
into a cabin in the woods. This is what you do
with your husband to be not your girlfriends”.
“Abi oh” Sarah chirped in a lighter tone.
Efemena feigned a yawn, “I am a child of God-
iyooh, I don’t do strippers”.
“Nobody is asking you to do anybody oh, we just
want to have innocent fun and this is not fun”
Stella snarked.
Efemena feigned hurt “ How is this not fun, I’ve
always wanted to sleepover in a cabin in the
woods, it’s cozy, you’re surrounded by nature”.
She reached for a piece of cake after slurping
down some coke “It is peaceful and quiet, you
can reflect and stuff”
“If I get killed in this cabin ehn, my ghost would
hunt your ghost” Sarah joked returning to her
phone “and if you like eat all the cake oh so that
we would be pushing you inside wedding gown
Efemena rolled her eyes, “Mumu….where will you
see my ghost? I no fit die today oh, after all the
yeye boys I had to pass through in order to
reach Frank, no be now oh. I’m enjoying my
bobo” she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Shh” Stella ordered, her eyes wider “Did you
hear that?”
“What?” Efemena and Sarah chorused.
“I heard footsteps “ Stella whispered dropping
her nail polish and crawling closer to the other
Efemena frowned “Don’t be a mumu joo, we are
the only ones here. The guy I hired this cabin
from said the place is usually deserted at this
time of the year”.
“Shh” Stella ordered again, fear creeping into her
eyes “If you listen really closely, you can hear it”
“What?” asked Efemena impatiently.
“A metallic sound, like someone sharpening
The room fell quiet as the girls listened intently.
In the quiet night was the scraping sound of a
“What’s that?” Efemena asked in a shaky
“I don’t know” the other girls whispered.
Suddenly something hit hard against their
wooden door startling the girls, making them
scream and scurry from the ground.
“Call for help, Call Frank or anyone” Stella yelled
at Sarah, seeing she was the only one with a
phone close by “Or call..”
Another hit to the door interrupted their
conversation sending them scurrying towards the
bedroom. They took cover in the small sized
closet and talked in hushed tones.
“Call for help Sarah” the two girls pleaded
Sarah’s lips parted and with panicked concern
etched on her face, she blurted “I forgot it…it
must have fallen to the..”
“Are you for real?” Stella spat through clenched
teeth “ You are always attached to your phone
like some weird Siamese twins but this one
time…..you better go and get it. I’m not sure the
person has broken in yet”.
“Go and get it yourself” Sarah said defensively
trying to hold back sobs.
Stella angrily pushed back the door and tiptoed
to the sitting room.
Some moments later…
“It's been a while, why is she not back?”
Efemena complained.
“Knowing her, she probably snuck out through a
window, leaving us here” Sarah murmured.
“Maybe..the guys are playing a trick on us or
something” Efemena reasoned “I haven’t heard
any sound, let’s go and look. No matter what it
is, there is more of us than whoever is out
Sarah grudgingly agreed and they creeped
silently to the living room. Once in the
passageway to the living room , the lights in the
house went out, leaving the girls with only the
moonlight streaming in from the living room as a
“Stella?” They called out “ is this some kind of
joke? “
No reply.
“Geez” Efemena murmured as they walked into
the living room.
“ I kicked something” she replied, bending down
to feel for the offending object, she raised it up
and shrieked in horror as her eyes met with the
blank stares of Stella.
“ Jesus” she screamed hauling the bloody head
at Sarah, Sarah jumped away and the two girls
started running towards the door.
They made it past the door and started running
into the forest when Sarah started to cough and
clutch at her neck. Efemena peered at her and
gasped in shock as she noticed blood seeping
out through her mouth and a small arrow
dangling from Sarah's neck. She looked back at
the cabin and saw a masked man wielding an
axe in one hand and a bow in another, He raised
the hand holding the bow and slowly waved at
her. She turned on her heel and ran as fast as
her legs could carry her into the dark forest.


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