Yoruba demon ,a story by tobilionnaire

Chapter 3

Considering my state of mind on relationship
orientation and my serial dating activities, one
would think I come from a polygamous home or
something of such, like a product of a broken
home, surprisingly my parents have never been
separated and have been monogamous till date.
Though they were stories of my dad being a
Cassanova during his hey days and I can't help
but think I probably took after him, but how he
managed to still stay married to only my mom
after forty-three years is what baffles me, no
children with other women, and now I'm quite
sure he doesn't even have a mistress anymore.
" What a genius that man is? " I thought, doing a
quick reflection on my life as a serial heart
For many people playing on women emotions
was a result of a broken heart, they seek
gratification for their pain and broken hearts by
turning into a monster, punishing the innocent
female folks for a sin they know nothing of.
Some are just jumping the bandwagon and soon
meet a woman that sweeps them off their feet
and they return back to their real self, calmer
than a dove and as meek as Christ himself.
Others just need distraction and a means to
dispense the bountiful amount of money they
have, these one's are responsible for the
mentality women have to necessarily be
financially rewarded for being your lover.
For someone like me It's simply hard to place
the category I belong to, my life has always been
straight-forward, getting attached to people
emotionally is a huge task and I would have
sought for psychological help from what I would
term being 'soulless' and robotic, but then I
realized I only feel this way when it concerns
women and having sexual affairs.
I am capable of loving, but definitely not in the
frame of how a man should love a woman you
are involved with.
At twenty-six I've lost count of ladies I've been
romantically involved with, it has become a
lifestyle and you must be a real stubborn and
intelligent lady to have been able to hang around
for six months.
I'm a predator, predators are pretenders and are
clinical in accomplishing their motives, I can feel
no iota of love for you and still make you see me
as the Jack Dawson to your Rose.
Unfortunately for most ladies they overlook the
signs, because no matter how deceptive and
seductive you can be, the signs that things don't
add up are there, but once again, women are
daily customer of fantasy and that's where the
weakness lays, a little bit of appearance and
loose cash to feed on it and they are stuck to
you, doing every unthinkable and unimaginable
things to please you in other to eventually please
Yes, it's a tale of who is smarter, because at the
end of the day we all want something, one could
be morally acceptable and the other probably a
sin, but it's a world where all that matters is
your happiness and my happiness lies in having
mind blowing orgasm without worrying about
The Journey down to Ibadan was eventful of
course, we had stopped at a mall on the way and
picked enough booze and some snacks for the
girls, I brought out my folded Agbada and wore it
looking like an honorable posing for an election
campaign banner.
We took a couple of pictures with the help of
one of the security men and I made sure I was
beside my target through it all, encircling my
hands around her buttocks in one of the photos
like she belongs to me.
It doesn't take time to get to girls anymore, the
moment she had told me her name in the car, I
had keyed into that to unlock the possibilities of
me and her doing things together.
" Sade? Wow! what a nice name, that's the name
of my favorite sister you know? " I had said with
a gentle smile.
She laughed and rolled are eyes suspiciously
thinking it was a joke but in all actuality I was
saying the truth, just that I've said the same
thing to a couple of other Sade's that ended up
on my cosy six by six beautifully decorated bed,
because you know, they think just cause they
answer the same name as my sister I probably
love the as much.
" Well, seems like you don't believe me, but I'm
ser-i " I was saying before Ray cuts in and told
her I'm saying the truth.
" Amazingly she even lives in Ibadan. " he
announced and Sade gave me a puppy look that
seems to say I'm sorry for jumping to
conclusion. She obviously likes to talk with the
We began talking from then on and the car
became lively. so here I am, laying claim to this
prize, Abbey has been beaten to this one, we can
stop on the way at the University of Ibadan and
he could help himself with one of his numerous
chics, it's his Alma Mater and he has the contact
in abundance, but Sade has already flashed all
shades of green lights that ever exist, and I'm
speeding into her heart on a nitro boost already.
We climbed back into the truck and was soon
back on the road, the mood in the car became
more vivacious, the air vent was doing a superb
job in controlling the temperature, it was
surprisingly very hot for an early morning, but the
interior of the car feels like winter in Russia.
I tore the Hennessy cap cover open and took a
swig to compliment the ice cold air, before
passing it to Abbey, and on and on till it came
back to me.
Ray pushed the throttle hard and the machine
roared and surged forward violently, Abbey and I
laughed at Lucy scared look as she cowered into
her corner, we cheered Ray on with chants of
his name, life can be so sweet if you have
friends that think alike.
Car speed increases to a hundred and thirty
kilometers per hour.....music blasting on the
highest volume, Sade keep stealing glances at
me at intervals, and my Hennessy the forever
permisive companion sat on my lap waiting for
another kiss, how good can a weekend get.
With the way Ray had handled the Honda beast,
it wasn't a surprise we didn't spend more than an
hour and few minutes before we reached Ibadan.
Abbey had called his dad, who was very angry
with him from the way he had sounded on
phone. He was being coronated as a first class
chief and without being biased it is true we
should have gone the day before to witness the
traditional rites.
He purposely avoided that because he knew his
parents will break down his neck with sermons of
moving back to Ibadan and settling down.
It's probably one of the reasons he never
brought any girl along with us as he wouldn't
want his family meddling into his affairs and
becoming unnecessarily attached to a girl he did
not have marital plans with.
On my part I ride on the excuse of still too
inexperienced and financially unstable to settle
down, big fat lie as I can easily survive with a
wife and a kid, even two wouldn't pose a threat
considering my financial muscle, but the
pressure is not even there, being the last child is
truly blissful.
On the contrary, Abbey is the second and the
only male at that and also being his mother's
only child makes matter worse, he dreads calls
from the woman and often ignores it a couple of
I could feel my friends pain as I thought about it
all, but it's a cross he has to bear alone, we all
have our battles and mine is just sitting right
here beside me, fortunately it feels like a battle
won already, Sade has been such a sport and fun
lady, both of us alone have technically downed
seventy percent of the Hennessy.
The party was indeed an interesting one, as
contrary to my belief, the varieties of food, the
music which was a live band and of course the
booze all synced together to give all of us a
swell of a time.
A couple of women could be seen unwrapping
Sharwama at a corner before eating it like
morsels of Eba, I wondered what they were
thinking, I codedly pointed them out to the girls
and they laughed uncontrollably, if not for the
large speakers they would have heard us
mocking them.
The highlight of the day was when we had gone
to spray money on Abbey's dad and the Juju
musician did wonders, marvelously singing our
praises and that of the girls, he probably have
gotten the Information from Ray, I remembered I
saw him whispering something into the ears of
one of the band boys...
Lucy did not particularly understand what was
being sang except that she heard her name and
she started jumping like a lost puppy that just
saw her mother, the scene was hilarious and I
video recorded her, planning to tease her with it
I also had a dance contest with the newly
installed chief himself and the aged man
effortlessly sent me back to my hometown with
his traditional dance steps, he pulled off his
Agbada gown at a point and schooled me as I
watched on in awe of his energy, grining from
ear to ear.
Soon people began to disperse, the clouds begin
to get dark, the once salmon and vibrant purple
sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black
that engulfed the town, save for the floodlight
that illuminated the event centre car park, you
would hardly pick out a face from the darkness
that enveloped the sky.
We had exited the hall and walked to the park,
waiting for Abbey who had been pre-occupied
since we got to the venue, I'm not surprised and
I didn't miss him one bit until few seconds ago
that I realized we haven't made arrangements
for accommodation for the night.
Sade and Lucy had taken off their Agbada gowns
and Sade was struggling with the strap of her
open-toe red bottoms heel shoe, I took in her full
physique without the free flowing gown and was
wowed, she's around five foot seven inches tall,
and the short sleeve top she wore hugged her
body like a second skin, I thought it's rather too
small and she would have problems taking them
Her boobs were of medium size and the ass Is
just simply indescribable, in a nutshell she would
pass for a Nigerian Jennifer Lopez.
I offered to help her with the shoe as I crouched
in front of her and unbuckled the strap, repeating
the act on her left leg. She smiled and mouthed
a ' thank you ' smiling and revealing a beautiful
set of white dentition
" Oh my God, she has dimples " I thought
amazingly while smiling back at her.
" I go love ooo " Lucy said referring to my shoe
unbuckling gesture, while dropping two pairs of
slides from her bag.
" momma raised a gentleman, Sade anytime you
want to put off anything, I mean anything I'm
here to help other people can collect their help
from Raymond " I declared emphasizing on the
word anything hoping they catch the sarcasm.
They all burst out laughing and shaking their
heads simultaneously.
" ahhh.. ashewo boy, what do you mean
anything? " Lucy replied me again, trying to
probe, but I'm vast in the game of mild flirting,
so I just shook my head and told her she has a
dirty mind, turning the table on her.
I gazed into Sade's eyes and realized her
thoughts were running wild, she was still shocked
probably from what I said and I could see she
was trying to decipher it but couldn't, shots well
fired and received I believed. Lucy and I keep
throwing bants while Ray called Abbey to know
his whereabouts and plan our next move.
He seem to have gotten through to him when he
moved some meters away from us and spoke on
the phone for some minutes.
" He said he will meet us here very soon, he
went and get some food for us from his family
house " he announced and lifted himself up to sit
on the trunk of the truck.
We continued gisting, mainly about the party and
I keep on flirting humorously with Sade at every
opportunity I get.
Soon the headlight of a Toyota Camry blinded us
for a moment, heading towards our direction, I
was about to curse the offender when I figured it
could probably be Abbey, the car got nearer and
I could make out his face from the windscreen.
He parked the car beside the truck and came
down, walking towards us.
" What's up bro, lets get out of here " he said
with a weary face looking very tired.
No questions asked as Ray jumped into his car
and the girls followed suit, I was about entering
too when Abbey slapped my nape and dragged
me with him.
" Werey! so you wan leave me alone go begin
play romeo abi? we are riding together... puusssy
nigger! " he decided without my permission and I
squeezed my face scratching the spot on my
neck where he had hit me.
Ray ignited the engine and horned at Abbey to
lead the way, we sped out of the gated event
place and drove into the dark, destination
unknown to anyone but Abbey alone.


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