Ancient margic of Nissin,a story by king david

The meeting ended an hour later and I got up
from my golden seat or rather throne. Every
other king in the house stood up as a sign of
respect. It's pretty obvious that other kings fear
But why?
Maybe because am the only magical king as
others are just skilled in swordsmanship or
because of the way I earned the title as a king
or because of the way I became a dark
magician. Either way, they should be scared
because they are aware I can blast them to
Edom with just a snap of my finger.
Inside the hall, I was made to sit on the largest
throne which was carved from pure gold while
other thrones are slightly large and made from
silver. My throne was located at the top and
other's are lined up in a row by my left and right.
Eight silver throne on each side. Most kings call
me the dark lord, some even refer to me as king
of all kings. Well I enjoyed them calling me the
names though.
I walked out of the hall with other kings trailing
On getting outside,i was greeted by the cool
breeze that swept my hair backwards.
I was about to open my portal to go to my
kingdom when I heard a voice from
"Your highness, I see Geza is not among the
Griffins chained to the rocks".
I turned and I saw it was king Loren of Necoban
kingdom who had spoken.
"so sharp of you to have noticed that king Loren
" I replied.
"Would you like to take a ride with me" king
Loren asked.
"don't bother yourself king Loren, I came here
alone and an going back alone, thanks for the
offer though "
And with that, I stretched my hand forward as
blue streak of lines emerged.
a portal appeared and I went into it but not
before biding the king farewell.
I emerged in front of my palace and I was
greeted by four of my guards.
"Welcome back your majesty" they chorused in
perfect unison,bowing down.
I gave them a nod in response as I walked past
them with two of the guards opening the large
gate for me.
My palace,being the largest of all palaces was
located at the center of Caruban and with the
largeness of a city.
It was built 24years ago when I was still 16 .The
palace has 50 rooms, 5 kingship courts, 3 army
camps and various training fields.
It's still amazing that I rule the kingdom of
Caruban. Just 2 years ago I was a commoner but
here I am being address KING GREGOR OF
"Your highness, commander Viguel is waiting for
you in the guest court" announced one of the
guards walking behind me.
"What news did he have for me" I asked.
"News about the search of the boy named Aric
Shane "
"Alright then " I said entering into the guest
"Welcome your highness" commander Viguel
greeted with a bow.
Dressed in his usual silver armour and with his
two swords on. One belted to the waist and one
strapped to the back.
"Spill the news" I demanded sitting on my throne.
Your highness, we've conducted the search as
you've instructed and we now have a lead. A
blacksmith carved two swords with the name
"Aric Shane" inscribed on the swords. We knew
this because he told us himself when we
announced that anyone to tell us where Aric
Shane lives will receive a price from the king.
"Continue "
So we asked him who he carved the swords for
and he said it was one man named Sebastian
that lives in Groovebane near the wander woods.
So we took action by spying on the man's house
and found out that the house was the only built
building in the wander woods. Just as if the man
is hiding. We took a picture of the house, here it
is your highness.
He stood up from his bowing position and and
handed it to me.
I stared at the house in the picture for a while....
"So what are you waiting for?" I asked
"we just want to give you the.... "
"STORM THE HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Who are you" I asked drawing my blades.
"Concern yourself not with who I am but rather
with what I am"
"What are you then?"
"A magician " was simply the old man's reply.
"yeah am aware of that " I said.
"What do you want? " the old man asked in his
usual hoarse voice.
"I need answers "
"To what"
"To what has been happening to me"
Well Aric, there was a prophecy long ago that
Nissin will be in a state of chaos and mass
murder but a boy will rise to save the world.
"You're not making sense old man" I said.
"and why do you keep calling me Aric" I asked.
"There's much you don't know boy " he said
moving closer,his goatee beard now very visible.
"Sit and let me explain things to you Aric. "
I did as he instructed
He pulled his hood down and I can now visualize
his wrinkles full face.
He looked up to the sky and as if reciting
incantation from the clouds began saying.
"In the book of Nekromanial prophecy, Thou was
written that the world will be turned upside down
as there will be killing and bloodshed but a boy
with great embodiment of light magic will rise to
save Nissin from evil beings and creatures. The
boy will have green eyes, he will be birthed by a
king and his twin brother will be killed during
The old man looked back at me and his eyes
was glowing white, no black stuff in his
eyes.Just white.
His eyes went to normal as he finished that last
"You are the chosen one" he repeated.
"If I can think well, the prophecy says the boy
will be a twin and will be given birth to by a
king.Am not a twin neither is my dad a king".
"That is because you are not the one they told
you that you are" he said.
"Enough of your questions "
And with that the old man vanished into thin air.
I began jogging home with my head full of many
thoughts. I just can't think straight. I wanna rest
my brain.
Half way, I began having the smell of something.
I fastened my pace and emerged from the
woods.looking at our house from afar,what I saw
shocked me to the marrow.


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