life in ozoro polytechnic, a story by eliboy


        *EPISODE 6*

Who goes there? I shouted as I heard someone
banging the door with force while I was lacing my
shoes, jerry went and opened the door and the so
called Aghogho appeared with a smiling face
showing her ‘ako ei liverpool‘ **big set of teeth like
Liverpool stadium** this is the first time I’m seeing
AGHOGHO: Good evening everyone, did I interrupt?
ME: Not at all, you must be Aghogho? (She
increased the smile on her face making her look
JERRY: yes, Eli meet Aghogho my baby. Aghogho
meet Eli my brother from another mother
I reached for her hand and gave her a soft hand
shake, in the next one hour we are good to go. We
walked to the road side to get a bike and off we
– – – – – – – – – – –
The place was filled with lots of mini skirt and I can
glance through to see the jean-string and white
pants beneath…..
I didn’t know when the following words came out
from my mouth and jerry added his own rhythms to
make it a complete chorus
ME: Jean-string
JERRY: in_na the air
ME: White pant
JERRY: in_na the air
ME: Blue pant
JERRY: in_na the air
We started singing with it as we reach for a table
surrounded by four chairs, all Aghogho was doing
while we were entertaining her with the song was
laughing. It was really fun as we enjoyed the party
to the fullest drinking all sorts of brandy and
dancing all the possible steps in this life, I was
involved in almost all the nasty games that was
played in the party but the moment I loved most
was when the MC summoned the celebrate to bring
out 2 boys and 2 girls, she picked me out and I was
told by the MC to suck one of the girls n----e until
it turns pale-red that if I failed to do it I will pay
#1000 but if the girl refuse to allow me she will be
the one to pay (you know that kind tin na) base
on highest in me I started heading straight to the
bra, out of nowhere a guy came out and bailed
the girl (I nearly refund his money, see bad
So many dirty games were played and I partook in
almost all because am a free guy in the party base
on say no girl go with me, it got to Dance! Dance!
Dance!, everyone was in pair dancing seriously with
their girl or any free babe.
Luckily for me that very girl I almost suck her
mango was dancing alone, as a sharp warri boy I
saw her dancing to the beat **sekem** I applied the
step holding my waist with one hand and placed
the other hand on my chest and started sekem to
her direction, finally am in front of her giving the
same step. As soon as the music change to timaya
‘ukwu’ she started placing her a-s-s on me and I
was giving the ukwu my cumcumber, she felt it and
tried to see who she was dancing with by pulling
herself away. She was shocked to see me and the
first word that came out from her mouth tells me
she is in.
FAVOUR: Bad guy, you again?
ME: smiled! Why that name my dear friend? I’m not
as bad as you think
FAVOUR: never mind, but you almost touched my
ME: it’s just a game and I did it to make people
FAVOUR: I barely know your name
ME: I’m Eli
FAVOUR: mine is Favour
ME: Favour Are you with someone?
FAVOUR: No, why did you ask (giving normal girls
ME: Because am alone and need to be with
She smiled without saying anything; I walked her to
the bar and offered her drinks while we watched
people from afar dancing. I saw jerry dancing with
his girlfriend while we were drinking but didn’t
bother to interrupt as we were busy trying to know
each other… liquor took over Favour as she started
talking strange and laughing loud, I tried to fetch
jerry but didn’t see his break light, tried his number
and it wasn’t reacheable. I have to look for a way
out… as I was thinking of what to do, she fell on
the ground, and I picked her up
ME: Favour are you okay?
FAVOUR: take me home I want to s--t
ME: Jesu!!! Abeg nor s--t for body oo
FAVOUR: did I say I want to s--t, I said I want to
fight (I then realize she was just saying rubbish
because of the drink)
ME: where do you stay, I mean your house?
FAVOUR: my house is innnnn campus 2 road close
to my HOD office but I want to go to your house
and eat tolotolo o o o o oo
I tried to explain to her that I don’t have house in
ozoro and didn’t cook tolotolo but she continued
saying rubbish and managed to whisper an hotel
named KESPY but all the bikes refuse to go there
telling me the place is far and its close to one
nearby town called ELU. I was about giving up when
a young bike guy stopped in front of me dropping
a passenger by WESTEN HALL where the party was
done, he advise me to lodge in OKAY HOTEL that
it’s the only nice hotel I can get around…


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