Ancient margic of Nissin,a story by king david

I got out of the bedroom with only my towel on
and I began walking to my room.Dad and mum
was back in the initial position I first saw them
but mum seems to stop talking as soon as she
saw me.
'Hey mum, what's with the face?' I asked.
"Nothing boy, thought you wannna to say some
naughty things again" she replied.
"not at all,though I must admit it's still smelling
but you should put on that face more often. You
look more beautiful with that face on.
"yeah,david's right" dad added.
'That confirms it' I said looking at my already
blushing mum.
'gotta go mum, catch ya two later'.
I didnt wait for her reply as I continue walking to
my room.
Climbing the stairs, I can't help but notice
dad.He is not in a good mood today or perhaps
maybe he is just stressed out.
I brushed the thought aside as I got to my room.
Peace was already lying on my bed and with her
bow and quiver placed beside my bed.
"That's your food over there" she said pointing to
a covered plate on my cupboard.
"what's in there" I asked.
"Waffles with bacon cake" she said sounding
"thanks so much but I don't think it's okay for
you to sleep in my room
"Of course am not sleeping here,i will be waiting
for you outside the house" she retorted standing
up and going for the door handle.
"waiting for me"? I asked.
"yeah for a sparring match big brotherrrrrrr" she
stressed the 'brother' as if she is mocking me.
"that's good but I will advice you to be at your
best" I replied.
'gbaaaaam'was the sound made as the door was
slammed shut signifying her exit.
That was damn hard man.
I got down to my food and the food was
devoured in no time.
Standing up, I walked to the mirror hung at the
far end corner of my room.
I brushed my hair aside and wore my clothes. A
pair of dark trousers and a green shirt with white
stripes matched with a gray boot.
Opening my cupboard,i brought out the two
swords dad had gotten for me when I did my last
birthday.I removed the swords from their
scabbards and I began examining them. They
were both silver blades,both long and tiny. I so
much love tiny blades. On the first blade,the
word 'Aric'was written on it and 'Shane' was
scribbled on the other one.
Aric Shane.
I guess that's the name of the blacksmith behind
this job though I can say the name felt familiar.
Putting them back into their scabbards and
strapping them to my backs,the swords form the
letter 'X'.
and with that I stormed out of the room.
A gust of wind smashed on my face reeling my
hair backwards as I stepped out of the portal.
The place of the meeting had been mount Hozun
over the years. Mount Hozun,being the highest
mountain in Nissin was the desired place by
kings in which the kings meeting should be held.
A large golden hall was built at the peak of the
mountain and it took seven years for the hall of
the meeting to be completed. It was built by the
earliest magicians though and I must say they
did an excellent job for the wonderful hall they
had built with the word 'THE KINGS CASTLE'
scribbled at the top of it.
Outside the hall, Griffins numbering sixteen are
chained to rocks as it would have been other
kings means of transportation. The Griffins are
wild beasts having the body of a lion but have
the head and wings of eagles enabling them to
fly. They must have done a great job flying up to
mount Hozun which is as tall as 52 storey
buildings if accurately estimated.
I should have travelled with Geza ,my own Griffin
but I thought it's gonna be good if I give other
kings a taste of my magic.
Judging by the number of Griffins,i guess am the
one everyone's waiting for as there are only 17
kingdoms in Nissin. I do hear of other realms
being in existence but such can only be believed
by me only when I can visualize it.
SHANE. ****************************
"damn you david" peace cursed
We've sparred nine times and she managed just
to get a hit and now we are moving to the last
I readied my dual swords and I zoned into
Concentration mode.
Peace had dad's sword also readied in her right
hand as we began circling around each other.
Our boots stamping the floor was the only sound
heard as everywhere was dead silent.
And then she charged, swinging her sword
ferociously. Her eyes shone anger mixed with
I was just dodging,side-stepping,weaving and
parrying her blows easily which made her
Her anger is making her not to think of any
strategy as she kept on slashing at me wildly.
"Anger is nothing in battle peace. it's like a
blindfold not allowing you to think. You must be
able to bend your anger to your will.Don't let it
control you" I said dodging an uppercut
threatening to blow my head off.
'shut up dickhead ' was her reply.
Let me just end this.
And with that she thrust her sword forward direct
at my heart(killing moves).I waited until the
sword was inches away from my heart before I
side stepped making her lose balance,making
use of the opportunity,i kicked her behind her
knees which sent her bending on a knee and I
placed my sword behind the back of her neck
"Yield" I said.
"I surrender" she replied
"nice moves kiddo. you've improved greatly.
'thanks' she replied and went inside.
After she was gone,i decided to go see the old
man as I need answers to some questions.
I got to my usual spot,but I saw no one. looked
around but still, no one is in sight. Then I
decided to go back home. I was about to go
when I heard a hoarse voice behind.
"Hello.... looking for me?"


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